Hearts and Hands: an Orcas thing to do

Caring for the elderly and disabled through Hearts and Hands has been an Orcas tradition since 2004. The relationship of a volunteer and care recipient has special magic. Volunteer Linda Watts helps Betty Sumrall get to the grocery store, to the post office, and any other shopping Sumrall might need.


Special to the Sounder

Caring for the elderly and disabled through Hearts and Hands has been an Orcas tradition since 2004. The relationship of a volunteer and care recipient has special magic. Volunteer Linda Watts helps Betty Sumrall get to the grocery store, to the post office, and any other shopping Sumrall might need.

“I can’t walk well, but when Linda takes me to the grocery store I can get around using a shopping cart to keep me stable,” Sumrall said. “Having Linda is like waiting for your girlfriend. When we first met, we were both very polite. Now we are very chummy. You need to know how very much I enjoy having Linda. She is a wonderful, true friend and cute too. The best thing I have discovered about Linda is she knows how to laugh at the right time.”

Watts says she began volunteering to “do something helpful” in her community.

“Over our two-year relationship, Betty has been a lesson to me of grace when under fire,” she said. “I have learned much about the aging process. She is a wonderful example of what I can do with what is ahead of me.”

Since Hearts and Hands joined the Orcas Senior Center, we have experienced a great increase in the number of volunteers and care recipients. It seems to be a good fit. Over the last year and a half, I have marveled at how often, when a new care recipient joined us, a new volunteer also appeared.

But lately, this is not happening. The number of requests continues to increase and we are in need of volunteers. Volunteers generally spend one to three hours a week with their care recipient. Sometimes a volunteer does not have this amount of free time and two volunteers “job share.” The lucky recipient then has two new friends.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, call Hearts and Hands at 376-7723. The senior center front desk has brochures and you can find information at www.orcasseniors.org. If you are unable to volunteer at this time, please spread the word about how Orcas residents care for their neighbors.

Besty Louton is volunteer coordinator for Hearts and Hands.