Healing Arts Center to hold annual spring fair

Each year in the spring and fall, The Healing Arts Center holds a fundraiser called the Healing Arts Fair. The practitioners, who offer massage and other bodywork modalities, acupuncture, counseling and more, offer the community an opportunity to sample discounted sessions.

Each year in the spring and fall, the Healing Arts Center holds a fundraiser called the Healing Arts Fair. The practitioners, who offer massage and other bodywork modalities, acupuncture, counseling and more, offer the community an opportunity to sample discounted sessions.

This year the Spring Fair is the weekend of April 26–27, and certain practitioners are offering coupons good through the end of May. Sign up by phoning 376-4002 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday–Friday, or dropping by 453 North Beach Road in Eastsound. Clients are asked to prepay to reserve their sessions, because with rates of $45/hour and $25/half-hour, the fairs fill quickly and there is often a waiting list.

Practitioners donate their services to the nonprofit Healing Arts Center for each of these fairs, which are in their 26th year.

The mission of The Healing Arts Center is to provide education, as well as support and space for independent businesses in the healing arts. Each year the membership contributes thousands of hours to further this mission. These contributions have enabled the HAC to purchase and maintain their facility. 

In addition, HAC members also donate many hours of service to other nonprofit groups on the island, and are looking for new ways to reach out to serve the needs of islanders. They welcome you to stop by and see some of the improvements the membership of this nonprofit has accomplished this past year, including a new deck and ADA-compliant ramp.