Submitted by the Washington State Department of Commerce
The Washington State Department of Commerce has partnered with the Thurston Economic Development Council (EDC) to offer a new version of the EDC’s highly successful ScaleUp program aimed at helping small business owners move forward through the COVID-19 crisis.
“ScaleUp provides actionable ideas to help small business owners right now to weather the uncertainties of the coronavirus pandemic and develop resiliency for the future,” said Commerce Director Lisa Brown. “This is just one of the new programs we are creating to support small businesses and strengthen communities throughout the state.”
Who should apply?
“ScaleUp: The COVID-19 Edition,” will provide up to 100 owners with strategies, tools and best practices to move their businesses forward in the face of a global pandemic. Businesses that have been in business for at least two years and have revenues in excess of $100,000 will receive the most benefit from the ScaleUp curriculum and are encouraged to apply. Commerce provides a full ecosystem of small business programs, each targeted to a particular life stage, from start-up to second-stage growth and beyond.
ScaleUp helps business owners gain skills by strengthening strategic thinking, building systems thinking, increasing the effectiveness of marketing strategies and providing a variety of tips and tools that lead to greater profitability. ScaleUp includes a virtual classroom training, connection to a network of peers, and access to resources and mentors. Daryl Murrow teaches the course, which is based on Kauffman Family Foundation’s curriculum.
How to Apply
Applications to the program will be accepted beginning at 10 a.m. on April 30 at This special webinar series begins May 6 and runs through July 8. Virtual classroom sessions are held from 8:30 a.m. to noon each week. A special Study Hall session is held on Mondays to provide enrolled companies with individualized assistance.
There is no cost to qualifying businesses. For more information, contact James Davis,, or 360-464-6051. Register at