Food Bank celebrates successful fundraising campaign; goal exceeded by $5,000

Orcas Island Community Foundation director Hilary Canty and Food Bank president Larry Shaw are celebrating their successful campaign to raise $65,000 by Thanksgiving for the food bank's new building. As of Nov. 18, the organization has raised $70,000. The extra money will be put into a building maintenance fund.

Orcas Island Community Foundation director Hilary Canty and Food Bank president Larry Shaw are celebrating their successful campaign to raise $65,000 by Thanksgiving for the food bank’s new building.

As of Nov. 18, the organization has raised $70,000. The extra money will be put into a building maintenance fund.

Island donors (through OICF) pledged $65,000 in matching funds. The food bank has been collecting money from the community for the past few months, with a big push in October and November.

“The last two weeks have been tremendous,” Shaw said.

Added Canty, “This is so exciting.”

The 24’ x 48’ modular building will likely be in place by Feb. 1, 2011 on the community church property. Then comes concrete work, landscaping, and moving the equipment inside, which will take 60 days.