Emmanuel dinner kitchen is November 18

In recognition of the many Thanksgiving community events, the next Dinner Kitchen will be celebrated on Thursday, Nov. 18. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., in the Emmanuel Church Parish Hall. There is no charge for Dinner Kitchens.

In recognition of the many Thanksgiving community events, the next Dinner Kitchen will be celebrated on Thursday, Nov. 18.

Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., in the Emmanuel Church Parish Hall. There is no charge for Dinner Kitchens.

The theme for the dinner is “Almost Thanksgiving … Thanksgiving Dinner” and it will, of course, feature turkey and all the trimmings. There will be something for everyone, including a selection of vegetarian dishes, and dishes for the kids.

Dinner Kitchens are year-round events and everyone is welcome. Island seniors and Food Bank participants are especially encouraged to come.

Call organizer Tom Murdock at 376-6166 with questions.