Eastsound bathroom vandalized; Protection orders violated; Severed hand floating in the sea | San Juan County Sheriff’s Log

San Juan County Sheriff’s Department reported responding to these calls:

Aug. 18: Someone knocked a door off the hinges of a stall inside the men’s restroom at Orcas Island’s Eastsound Village Green in an apparent act of vandalism. Large sections of particle board were reportedly also missing from inside the stall, which will cost $300 to repair.

Sept. 5: A San Juan Island boy accused of swiping a 24-ounce energy drink from a Friday Harbor convenience store was arrested for shoplifting even though he eventually agreed to pay for it. The 12-year-old, who reportedly paid $3.22 to a store clerk after initially denying he stole it, was later tracked down and taken into custody at the Argyle Avenue skate park.

Sept. 7: A single-car collision near the intersection of Mineral Point and Roche Harbor road led to the arrest of a San Juan Island man for DUI. The 18-year-old, who reportedly escaped the crash with minor injuries, was taken into custody at about 9 p.m.

Sept. 8: A Camano Island man believes he can identify the person responsible for the theft of the .9 mm handgun he brought along with him while boating in the San Juans with friends and camping on James Island. The 23-year-old claims the group discovered their boat adrift and beer missing from their cooler after camping out on the island with a lone kayaker who reportedly had been on Lopez Island earlier in the day.

Sept. 9: Two San Juan Island girls face drug-related charges for allegedly having marijuana in their possession while at school. The girls, 14 and 12, were taken into custody at Friday Harbor Middle School in mid-afternoon.

Someone reportedly used a sharp object to put scratches into four murals that were recently mounted on the exterior wall of the Ace hardware store in Friday Harbor. Damage to the murals, which face Nichols Street, is estimated at $500.

A San Juan Island man claims someone did doughnuts in the lawn and caused $3,000 damage to a concrete slab at his Miner Lane home by building a fire on it in an apparent episode of vandalism. Damage to the slab and the 55-year-old’s lawn reportedly occurred sometime within the preceding two weeks.

A waiter at a Friday Harbor restaurant found a phony $100 bill among his cash receipts after it was too late to confront the customer from whom he received it. The 20-year-old reportedly discovered the fake bill after arriving home and had it confirmed that it was a forgery at a local bank the following day.

Sept. 13: A non-functioning headlamp on a motorcycle led to the arrest of a Lopez Island man for driving with a suspended license following a mid-afternoon traffic stop near the intersection of Cousins and Mud Bay roads. The 37-year-old was taken into custody at about 1:30 p.m.

A decorative wooden sign shaped like a fish vanished from the driveway of a home in San Juan Island’s Portland Fair neighborhood in an apparent case of theft. The 4-foot long handcrafted sign, valued at $180, had long-been positioned near the point where the homeowner’s driveway intersects with Treeline Drive at the time it disappeared.

Sept. 14: An early morning 911 call led to the arrest of a 31-year-old Lopez Island man accused of violating a protection order. The man, reportedly estranged from his wife, was taken into custody at their Hooterville Lane home at about 9:30 a.m.

Sept. 16: An outboard motor belonging to a Sammamish man who also has a home on Orcas Island vanished from his boat in an apparent case of theft. The 82-year-old’s boat was reportedly docked near his home in the 700 block of Olga Road at the time the outboard motor, a 15-hp Evinrude valued at $2,000, disappeared.

Sept. 19: A late-night single-car collision near the intersection of Beaverton Valley and West Valley Roads prompted the arrest of a San Juan Island woman for driving with a suspended license. Alcohol was reportedly involved, but the arresting officer was unable to determine if it led directly to the crash. The 28-year-old, who required stitches to mend a cut over an eye, was taken into custody at about 11:30 p.m.

A San Juan Island man was arrested for violating a protection order following a death investigation, unrelated to his arrest, at a home on the west side of San Juan Island. The 45-year-old, who reportedly had come onto the property despite the protection order, was taken into custody at a home in the 100 block of Kanaka Bay Road.

A San Juan Island man was arrested for driving with a suspended license following an early afternoon traffic stop near the intersection of Marble Street and Tucker Avenue. The 30-year-old, pulled over for not wearing a seat belt, was taken into custody shortly before 2 p.m., and was reportedly ticketed for a trio of traffic violations.

Sept. 20: A Lopez Island woman claims to have seen a severed hand floating in the waters near Upright Head while cruising along the north end of the island in her sailboat. The 55-year-old was reportedly unable to locate it after turning the boat around to take another look, but provided authorities with the GPS coordinates where she believes to have spotted it.

Two warrants totaling $1,800 and a familiar address led to the arrest of a Lopez Island man for failure to appear in court on an alleged driving offense. The 29-year-old was taken into custody at his home on Dragon Run Lane without incident shortly before noon.