Dilemmas of being in business

The Orcas Chamber of Commerce is hosting a business essentials seminar on Friday, Nov. 8 from 8:30 to 10 a.m.

The Orcas Chamber of Commerce is hosting a business essentials seminar on Friday, Nov. 8 from 8:30 to 10 a.m.

Making business decisions can be a huge challenge. Weighing factors, such as, finances, time, personal wellbeing, employees and more, can bring us to a stalemate. The question of how to choose what to choose sometimes drives one to distractions, leaving our best laid plans unfulfilled.

This 90-minute conversation will explore those choice points that stop us in our tracks as business people. Dr. Rosie Kuhn will outline five easy steps to employ in service to moving through dilemmas and growing your business the way you want.

Orcas resident Kuhn is the author of “Dilemmas of Being in Business.” She is an international business coach, trainer and speaker.

People who want some direct coaching on dilemmas they face in their businesses will have an opportunity to work with Kuhn during the meeting.

The seminar will be held in the conference room of the Eastsound Fire Station. There will be coffee, tea and treats as well as door prizes: a business coaching session and two books.

RSVP to info@orcasislandchamber.com.