“Christian Foundations” lecture series continues this winter


When Orcas Community Church hired Dick Staub as one of its pastors two years ago, he was charged with serving the educational and artistic interests of the island’s residents.

Staub has met that goal with flying colors, most notably with his annual Kindlingsfest event.

His latest offering is a lecture series on “Christian Foundations.”

“We started this series in September, and more than 180 people registered,” Staub said. “Over a three-year period we are going to offer a full seminary education, except for language study.”

Starting Jan. 16, the church is presenting phase two of the program: four guest lectures by renowned scholars.

Ward Gasque is offering “Bible Interpretation” on Saturday, Jan. 16. Gasque, who has a BA, BD, MTh, and PhD, is the author of two books in the area of New Testament history, co-editor of five books of essays, and editor of two commentary series. He was co-founder of Regent College in Canada and served as the first E. Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies. He served as founding president of New College Berkeley and the first Provost of Eastern University in Philadelphia. Currently, he is the English Ministries Pastor at a Chinese church in British Columbia.

On Saturday, Feb. 13, Gary Roosma will present “Key Turning Points in Christian History.” Roosma, BA, Mdiv, and MTh, is a minister in the Christian Reformed Church and has served as a missionary-educator in Papua New Guinea and Malaysia, most recently as professor of history and missions at Sabah Theological Seminary

Susan Phillips is leading a discussion on Saturday, April 17 on “Christian Spirituality.” Phillips has served as the Executive Director of New College Berkeley since 1994. She earned her doctorate at U.C. Berkeley. She teaches regularly for NCB, The Graduate Theological Union, Fuller Theological Seminary, San Francisco Theological Seminary, Regent College and is on the clinical faculty at the University of California at San Francisco. She has written two books focusing on the ethics and practices of care and what it means to live a good life.

Staub is particularly looking forward to Phillips’ lecture.

“American Christianity is a lot of noise and no depth,” he said. “Christian spirituality is about quiet and centering yourself.”

Tom Johnson is offering the final lecture on Saturday, May 15 on “Christian Theology.” Johnson is the Interim Academic Dean at Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle. He has served as President of the University of Sioux Falls and of George Fox University. He was a dean and professor of Biblical Theology at USF, Sioux Falls Seminary, and George Fox. Johnson holds an MDiv, ThM, and PhD.

Each event begins at 9 a.m. in the Community Church sanctuary and is comprised of six lectures that are each 50 minutes long and separated by a 10-minute break and a one-hour lunch. Attendees can bring a lunch or place a sandwich order with the church. Each session includes an extensive set of notes and a binder will be provided at the first session.

“The whole community is invited to attend these guest lectures,” Staub says. “One of my goals is to build bridges to educated church members and community members.”

To register

Tuition for a single lecture is $20 per person or $35 per couple. For all four events, it’s $65 per person or $115 for a couple. Register by phone (376-6422), email (oicc@orcaschurch.org), mail (P.O. Box 205, Eastsound), or in person at the church.