Submitted by San Juan County.
If you have ever wanted to be an elected official, now is your chance. Candidates looking to run for office this year will have the opportunity to put their name on the ballot during the upcoming filing week of May 15 through May 19.
Open offices include:
Town of Friday Harbor Council Members
San Juan, Orcas, Lopez, and Shaw School Districts
San Juan County Fire Districts
Port of Orcas, Lopez, and Friday Harbor
Park and Recreation Districts
Cemetery Districts
Public Hospital Districts
Water Districts
Sewer Districts
During filing week, candidates “file” to run for open offices. Candidates may file online, by email, by fax, by mail, or in person at the San Juan County Elections Office at 55 Second Street Ste. A, Friday Harbor.
How to File
Online: Online candidate filing will be available Monday, May 15, at 9 a.m. through Friday, May 19, at 4 p.m. Candidates can file from home on their personal computers or may file on a computer at the Elections Office. To file online, go to the Elections webpage at and navigate to “Online Candidate Filing” under “Candidate Information.”
On paper: If you prefer to file on paper, “Declaration of Filing” forms are available at the Elections webpage at under “Candidate Information.” Forms must be mailed to San Juan County Auditor, Elections Office, PO Box 638, Friday Harbor, Washington 98250. Mail-in filings will be accepted if received after May 1 and will be processed on May 15. Mailed filings must be received at the Elections Office no later than Friday, May 19.
Filing Fees:
For any offices for which a filing fee is required, the filing fee must be received by Friday, May 19, at 4:30 p.m. Filings will not be processed until the filing fee is received. (See the list of open offices to see which offices require a filing fee.)
Offices with three or more candidates will be included in the Aug. 1 primary election. Offices with only one or two candidates will go directly to the November general election ballot.
Candidates can find more information about how, when, and where to file on our website or call 360-378-3357. Follow the link for a list of offices open for candidate filing: Offices Open for Filing
Contact information:
55 Second St · PO Box 638
Friday Harbor, WA 98250