Building leadership skills

Cohort IX of Leadership San Juan Islands was immersed in learning specifics of local governance on Feb. 8. This was session two of the five-month program. Initial class check-ins, breakfast and teaching related to coursework took place at the Friday Harbor Firehall.

Cohort IX of Leadership San Juan Islands was immersed in learning specifics of local governance on Feb. 8. This was session two of the five-month program. Initial class check-ins, breakfast and teaching related to coursework took place at the Friday Harbor Firehall. A quick walk to the Town Council Chambers led to a brief introduction to Robert’s Rules of Order with Jim Hooper.  Members of the cohort then took their assigned positions and played out roles associated with the town council process and citizen participation. This exercise was led by Steve Hushebeck, with support from Town Clerk Amy Taylor. Mayor Carrie Lacher (Alumni III) wrapped up the morning session by clarifying the mayor’s role in our county’s only incorporated municipality.

The working lunch included a presentation by Marilyn O’Conner (Alumni I) on the role of ports in San Juan County.  This was followed by Duncan Wilson, Town Administrator, who shared Friday Harbor’s history and visions for the future.  The early afternoon sessions were divided between Judge Don Eaton in the superior courtroom, and Sheriff Rob Nou in the district courtroom.  Moving into the county council chambers for the later afternoon, Council Chairman Jamie Stephens briefly explained the structure of San Juan County government and talked about the changing role of the county council. Linda Lyshall presented material on state and local policies including examples from the Growth Management Act and the Critical Areas Ordinance. Kit Rawson followed with a presentation on the history of tribal and state relations in regards to natural resources and his experiences as a marine manager for the Tulalip Tribe.

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