Annual montessori crisp sale

When the weather turns wet and chilly, what could be better than pulling a delicious, hot, bubbling apple crisp out of your oven?

When the weather turns wet and chilly, what could be better than pulling a delicious, hot, bubbling apple crisp out of your oven?

Orcas Montessori School makes it easy with their annual Apple Crisp Sale. The crisps are 100 percent organic and made from apples picked from the school’s own orchard.

Every dollar earned from the apple crisp sale goes directly to scholarships to help island children. Each crisp is $16 dollars.

They may be picked up at the school between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., or contact Teresa Chocano at 376-5350 to make special arrangements for large quantities or other pick-up times.