Teens remind adults to drink responsibly

The students from Point Blank, a high school prevention leadership club, will be at Island Market on Dec. 18 and 19 to pass out Red Ribbons with a message to “Have a Safe and Happy Holidays.”

The students from Point Blank, a high school prevention leadership club, will be at Island Market on Dec. 18 and 19 to pass out Red Ribbons with a message to “Have a Safe and Happy Holidays.”

This is the club’s way of reaching out to the community with reminders to drive and celebrate responsibly during the holiday season.

Point Blank, sponsored by both Orcas Island School District and the Orcas Island Prevention Partnership, is affililated with SADD – Students Against Destructive Decisions. Point Blank students have a mission to educate themselves and others about underage drinking, tobacco and other drugs. The community is invited to stop by and get a red ribbon for the car antenna or elsewhere.