Q&A with Public Works Director Frank Mulcahy

It’s been almost eight months since Frank Mulcahy took this position, here's what he thinks so far.

IS: It’s been almost eight months since you took on your position. What has been a challenge and what has been success?

FM: The challenge has been learning about the unique nature of the islands. There are so many different people here: tourists, and part-time, weekend and long-term residents. There is so much diversity and different perspectives here. The biggest success has been the momentum and change regarding solid waste. Lopez’s new district has resolved one big problem. The process of getting proposals for the Orcas transfer station is going well. We have been making steps forward and addressing the needs of the people. People have said that  Public Works is more open and transparent now.

IS: You are working on improving communication with the public, can you speak more on that subject?

FM: Our biggest effort has been on the website – making sure we have timely info posted. Then we implemented the email alerts. We will be holding outreach events once a month, like open houses where the public can meet with us face to face. I want people to make decisions based on all the knowledge available.