Orcas artists Kari Van Gelder and holographer Jeffrey Murray will display paintings and holograms during the month of June in the lobby of Islanders Bank in Eastsound.
Recently, Orcas Island Elementary School’s fifth-grade class worked with the San Juan Nature Institute, represented by Fiona Norris, in collaboration with the Center for Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea (KWIAHT) in a study of the Cascade Creek Watershed as it enters Buck Bay.
The San Juan Nature Institute and Salmonberry School are teaming up to continue a research project on Indian Island this summer. This program is partially funded with a grant from the Orcas Island Community Foundation, and is being made available to all Orcas students in grades 3-7.
The program will include onsite investigations; field trips to do comparative study of different island tide pools; and classroom time to compile, graph and discuss the results of the investigative work.
All children are invited to bring their artwork to the Orcas Senior Center Tuesday, June 3 between the hours of 1:30 to 4 p.m. The show will be available to the public during Senior Center hours. The take-down date for the show is July 1.
One of the passionate motivations for the Farm Education and Sustainability for Teens (FEAST) coordinators – Rusty Diggs, husband Christopher Evans, and Whitney Hartzell – is that, as Evans said, “Teenagers are a population that’s counted out right from the start. People have told us, ‘It sounds great, but you’ll never get teens interested in participating – especially not in the summertime.’
Susan Slapin’s works will be featured at the Hotwall at Orcas Artworks during the month of June.
The Ian McFeron Band from Seattle will entertain at the Lopez Grange Hall on Friday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m.
The Orcas Community Band, made up of 40 musicians ranging in ages from 15 to 88 “isn’t just a bunch of funky-sounding, old white-haired people, but an exhilarating, fun-filled and very musically competent ensemble,” says Band secretary Karen Speck. “We play light pop music that is enjoyable to listen to.”
Volunteers who would like to work as a lighting operator or stage manager during Orcas Center’s third annual Kids’ Fest can get themselves or kids in free for performances on Memorial Day weekend.
Orcas Open Arts’ Student Art Forum sponsored its first “Art Bus” on Saturday, May 10. Fifteen students and chaperones boarded the bus for Seattle on Saturday morning to spend the day seeing “Roman Art of the Louvre” at the Seattle Art Museum and visiting the Catherine Person Gallery for a show of ceramic sculpture by Orcas artist Hannah Alex Glasser. Orcas Open Arts plans to develop the “Art Bus” program to include several art-related field trips for Orcas High School Students during the 2008-09 school year.