Orcas Money Smart coming soon

Submitted by Megan Ehrmantraut for OCRC

Are you interested in sharpening your financial skills or becoming a mentor? The Orcas Community Resource Center offers Orcas Money Smart, a nine-month program where volunteer mentors teach the basics of budgeting, savings, banking, housing decisions, debt, credit, disaster preparedness and more.

A student from the pilot program shared, “I have gained the tools to break down any financial situation into manageable steps for success. I can apply smart goals to many aspects of my life in the future.”

Patricia Benton, OCRC Board Chair, led the pilot class last fall along with fellow board member, Hugh Grant.

Patricia shared, “This was a great way to connect with others to make a difference in an area of their lives that can oftentimes be stressful.” Seeing participants gain confidence and achieve their goals affirms that time invested as a program mentor is time well spent.

OCRC’s next session will run from September 2023 through May of 2024. Depending on student and mentor availability, class aims to meet evenings and/or Saturdays. What a valuable experience for BOTH students and mentors alike!

Please contact OCRC via email at info@orcascrc.org or phone at 360-376-3184 if you are interested in participating as a student or mentor.

Please help spread the word about this valuable opportunity to friends, family and neighbors.