Orcas author releases book

Rainer Rey, a 12-year resident of Eastsound, is back with a new thriller that will hit store shelves Nov. 11.

Rainer Rey, a 12-year resident of Eastsound, is back with a new thriller that will hit store shelves Nov. 11.

“Cosmosis” is a sprawling action-adventure story that takes place as nations struggle to control a mysterious renewable energy source.

While portions of the book take place in Washington, of particular interest to islanders should be Rey’s second novel due on Jan. 20 titled “The Find,” which is set almost entirely on Orcas Island.

In the book, ex-FBI agent Kellen Rand teams up with Lorna Novak, a high-powered broadcast executive, on the hunt for a missing Native American shaman whose natural psychic abilities may be the key to saving millions of lives.

Also being re-released Jan. 20 are Rey’s two prior novels, “Replicator Run,” a story about the dangers of an Ebola-like virus outbreak, and “Day of the Dove,” a tale about nuclear blackmail, which were published by Random House.

All four of Rey’s books are published by Turner Publishing of New York and Nashville, and are available now for pre-order on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and independent bookstores.

For more information contact: AuthorRainerRey@outlook.com.