Making packages for overseas troops

As a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Judy Wallace took on a caring and much appreciated project over a year ago: sending boxes of needed items to military personnel stationed in Afghanistan.

As a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Judy Wallace took on a caring and much appreciated project over a year ago: sending boxes of needed items to military personnel stationed in Afghanistan.

Items in need are: beef jerky, granola and breakfast bars, hard candy, nuts, gum, water flavoring packets, cocoa mixes, instant coffee, small toys, hand held video games, playing cards, AA batteries, magazines, paper, envelopes, pens, chapstick, bug repellant, shaving cream, baby wipes, toothpaste and brushes, deodorant, body wash, as wells as stuffed animals and school supplies to hand out to children and teachers.

Donations can be dropped off at the American Legion on Crescent Beach Drive after 4 p.m.

SSG Rudy Gomez and the men and women of Operation Enduring Freedom recently wrote to Wallace. An excerpt is below.

“I would like to say thank you very much for taking your time to take care of us here in Afghanistan! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. To receive so much from you is a blessing. The small comforts of home given to us here by you is a small treat that means a lot.”