Local pop-up tax credit event a success

Submitted by Keri Duenn for OCRC

In conjunction with the Food Bank, the Orcas Community Resource Center would like to thank Edith Tate from the Opportunity Council and Francisco Díaz Saldivar from the Department of Revenue for spending a day on Orcas Island sharing information about the Washington Working Families Tax Credit. They split their time between the Resource Center and the Food Bank providing one-on-one assistance for members of the community, explaining the tax program details, and helping to fill out applications.

The pop-up event on June 6, was well received and a great opportunity to ask questions, check eligibility, and apply on site. Upon completion, Edith shared “We enjoyed connecting with members of your community about the tax credit, and appreciate you getting the word out. We engaged with over 30 folks —I think that was a very successful turnout!”

The Working Families Tax Credit is relatively new for Washington workers and could get you up to $1,200 cash back. It’s available to applicants who are between the ages of 25-65 and have qualifying children. Other specifications include having lived in Washington for ½ of the year in 2022, filed a 2022 tax return, and have low to moderate income.

It’s not too late to apply! For more information, please visit www.WorkingFamiliesCredit.wa.gov or call 360-763-7300. Assistance is available in both English and Spanish.