Local artist and writer to give presentation

“If wishes were horses, children would ride! I read every horse book in the library,” recalls Susan Carnes, local artist and writer. “And when I was nine years old, I had my first art show at the Superior, Wis. Public Library. I promised my friend, the children’s librarian, that someday I would write and illustrate my own horse book.”

On Wednesday, June 16 at 7 p.m. at the Orcas Island Public Library, Carnes will talk about her book, “My Champion,” and the story behind it.

“Come for cookies and laughs, learn about book writing and publishing, and take home the inspiration to follow your dreams!” says Carnes.

Drawing upon careers as a farmer, teacher, therapist, and counselor working in schools and clinics, Carnes returns to the arts to “put it all together.” In “My Champion,” she explores the special connection between horses and girls with vivid color and drama.