Lecture series at Orcas Center continues with vintage fiddler archivist Paul Anastasio

Orcas Conservatory is presenting Paul Anastasio, master fiddler and archivist of North American vintage fiddle styles, as its next guest lecturer.

Initially classically trained, he began exploring the worlds of American popular, folk music and the hot sounds of swing violin and western swing fiddling. In the 70s he met and performed with Joe Venuti at a Seattle club, and is considered one of the foremost authorities on Venuti’s, ”passionate, swinging approach to Jazz violin.”

Anastasio toured with Merle Haggard, Asleep at the Wheel, Larry Gatlin and Loretta Lynn. Today, he is considered a music historian and archivist. He is review editor and has a regular column in Fiddler Magazine and teaches private lessons.

During the summer months, he is in great demand as an instructor at summer music camps through out the U.S. and Canada.  He is known far and wide for his vast repertoire of fiddle styles and his teaching through humor and demonstrations through his fiddling and video recordings.

His lecture/demos will be four weeks: Wednesdays, March 30 to April 20 from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Madrona Room. Tuition is $40 for the series or $10 per lecture.

Go to www.orcascenter.org for details of his presentations or contact sparks@orcascenter.org, 376-2281 ext. 2.