Submitted by the OICF.
Have you ever considered joining a nonprofit board? Board service is a great way to support causes you care about, meet new people, and connect to the community. With over 100 local nonprofits, there are many organizations to choose from, so how do you start?
The Orcas Island Community Foundation is hosting an Introduction to Board Service with Hilary Canty and Nancy Stillger on Tuesday, June 6 from 3 to 5 p.m. Content will be geared towards those who are new to Board service or who are considering future service.
Topics will include rules and responsibilities, how to assess organizational culture to assure a good fit, understanding financial statements, and more. To register, contact or call 360-376-6423 with questions.
Another great resource comes from the Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) who host a series of online Board trainings. The next class is Finance Unlocked on May 31st from 10-11:30 am. This is an excellent refresher on the fiduciary responsibilities of board service and how to read financial statements. The program is free and you can register here:
Thank you to all who are serving or considering board service. You make a great difference in the community.