Healing Arts Faire on Orcas

Spring cleaning, shake out all the winter blahs, just because you deserve it – all good reasons to take advantage of the Healing Arts Center spring healing faire on April 19 and 20. The practitioners at the center will be donating hundreds of hours of discounted sessions as a fund raiser for maintenance and operation of the historical facility.

Spring cleaning, shake out all the winter blahs, just because you deserve it – all good reasons to take advantage of the Healing Arts Center spring healing faire on April 19 and 20. The practitioners at the center will be donating hundreds of hours of discounted sessions as a fund raiser for maintenance and operation of the historical facility.

At the faire islanders will be able to sample sessions of acupuncture, message, Heller work, astrological readings, breathwork, cranio-sacrial, taro readings, reflexology, energy work, therapeutic touch, structural integration and Reiki.

Whatever the reason or choice of healing practice, the traditional Healing Arts Faire is a great opportunity to become familiar with its diverse staff of professional healers.

Sessions can be booked in-person or by calling 376-4002. All sessions must be pre-paid at the reduced rates of $25 for a half-hour session, and $45 for one-hour sessions.

The Healing Arts Center recently announced two new practitioners: Kate Agape, a master Reiki practitioner; and Holly Berman, an acupuncturist.