Fifth grade to present musical to raise funds for Haiti

The big bad wolf, the courageous heroine, Little Red Riding Hood and the feisty Granny – charming characters right out of central casting.

Nancy May Knapp and her fifth-grade class at the Orcas Elementary School are thrilled to present her students’ performance of “Little Red Riding Hood” to the entire Orcas community. It’s a rousing musical with a slight twist. The story takes place in the 1950s and the focus is living together in harmony and saving our earth. The play is teacher Nancy May Knapp, as well as volunteers who helped with choreography, costumes, and music.

The show will be performed one night only, Wednesday, May 12, at 6:30 pm., on the Orcas School Cafeteria Stage. Proceeds will help fund building a new school in Limbe, Haiti through the Helping Hands Noramise Service Organization.

“In these past few months we have realized more than ever before that Haitians are in need of our help and when we found that Taylor Diepenbrock was doing his senior project with the Noramise Helping Hands Service Project, we knew we had found a great place for our donation,” Knapp said.

The suggested donation is $10 for adults and $5 for youth.