February on-Screen performances at Orcas Center

Orcas Center brings the world’s best performers to Center Stage in their On-Screen Offerings from The Metropolitan Opera, Bolshoi Ballet, and National Theatre Live. Join us for these great events coming up in February.

Saturday, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m. Postponed from January due to COVID, the first on-screen event in 2022 is Cinderella from The Metropolitan Opera presented in a family-friendly 90-minute run-time with English subtitles. Pandolfe, a country gentleman, has married Madame de la Haltière, an imperious countess. She and her daughters, Naomi and Dorothy, bully Pandolfe’s daughter from his first marriage—known as Cinderella.

Sunday, Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. Rigoletto from The Metropolitan Opera. A dramatic journey of undeniable force, Rigoletto was immensely popular from its premiere and remains fresh and powerful to this day. The story, based on a controversial play by Victor Hugo, tells of an outsider—a hunchbacked jester—who struggles to balance the dueling elements of beauty and evil that exist in his life. Written during the most fertile period of Verdi’s artistic life, the opera resonates with a universality that is frequently called Shakespearean.

Saturday, Feb. 26 at 1 p.m- Jewels from The Bolshoi Ballet. Emeralds for the elegance and sophistication of Paris, rubies for the speed and modernity of New York, and diamonds for an imperial St. Petersburg. Three sparkling scenes accompanied by the music of three essential composers feature the styles of the three dance schools that have contributed to making George Balanchine a legend of modern ballet.

Advanced ticket sales only – No door sales. Ticket prices range from $5-$47, with a “pay what you can” option to suit your personal budget. COVID precautions will be followed, call 360-376-2281 ext 1, or visit www.orcascenter.org for tickets and more information.