Art for Orcas Kids student art show

The Orcas Center is hosting an exhibit of A*OK student art from April 15 through the month of May 2022 featuring works from every K-5th grade student at Orcas Island Public School, including select middle and high school artwork. There is an opening on Friday, April 15 at 3:30 p.m.

Art for Orcas Kids is a program of the Orcas Island Education Foundation. The program brings teaching artists to Students at the Orcas Island School District (OISD). Our teachers inspire students and bring visual arts to life through age-appropriate projects.

Art on display will include Georgia O’Keefe Poppy project, Snowy Red Bird with mixed media, Jungle with Lion Henri Rousseau lesson, Tigers – Chinese new year/luck symbol, Gee’s Bend quilts collage project, How to draw a Penguin project, Dia de Los Muertos skulls, Sunflowers, Paper Bag Cats in 3-D, Clay owls and many more.

Thanks to our generous donors, A*OK is able to provide 20 weeks of teaching artists and art lessons to Elementary classes, a full year of art Exploratory classes to the Middle school and a weekly year-long drop-in High school art club at the Orcas Island School District.

For more information on the A*OK Art Show please go to