A Four-Season Cottage Garden in the San Juan Islands

Submitted by Orcas Island Garden Club.

On Wednesday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m., the Orcas Island and Lopez Island Garden Clubs’ virtual (zoom) meeting will feature Margaret Payne presenting A Four-Season Cottage Garden in San Juan County. This presentation will be recorded. The link to the live meeting, hosted by the Orcas Island Library, is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84063611347?pwd=UitVTlBYWjRvNXlGMEU4anZPbkZ0dz09

Payne will present four-seasons of gardening in her wonderful cottage garden. She has been gardening for 44 years in Washington, beginning in Gig Harbor with the birth of her first child, and for the last 14 years on Orcas.

Her earliest, happy memories of gardens are “cottage” or, as she calls them, “Granny,” gardens (as she now is a grandmother). She describes perennial gardening as “the easiest, most abundant and diverse, least costly, healthiest (for both gardener and resident plants and animals) and most satisfying of all garden styles.” Her Orcas garden has been on the garden tour twice, most recently this past summer.