Why SAFE San Juans has posted statistic signs | Letters

A few of the staff members of SAFE San Juans, including myself, have been approached about the sexual assault and domestic violence statistic signs we have put around Eastsound in preparation for our 5K Glow Run/Walk. It seems to have stirred up some conversation with parents. I was personally told by a mother that she did not like the signs and wished we’d take them down. When I asked why, she responded with, “Because I am not ready to explain to my 5-year-old what rape is.”

So my question is: when is it a good time to talk about rape/molestation with your children? I was molested at the age of six, and no one talked to me about rape or molestation at that age. I wish someone would have.

We live in a community just like any other. These things happen everywhere – even here in our gorgeous communities. The signs are meant to educate, to bring awareness, to start a conversation and to come together as a community to change these statistics. I urge you to read them, to think about the people who this does affect and have that hard conversation; it could help someone you love.

SAFE San Juans is available to talk to you before you have that conversation to help in any way we can. We would be happy to hold a parent education night regarding this topic if there is enough interest.

Angela Douglas

SAFE San Juans Board Chair