Thanks for Sam Carter celebration of life | Letter

Thank you all for your generosity and sacrifices for my brother, Sam Carters’, Celebration Of Life on Dec. 23. Thank you so much ... the food the music the island hugs.

Thank you all for your generosity and sacrifices for my brother, Sam Carters’, Celebration Of Life on Dec. 23. Thank you so much … the food the music the island hugs. Words can never express our gratitude to all who helped put it together. Thank you to the Grange for the use of that space. And Thank you to all who gave of your own money to help us to be there with you to celebrate Sammy! Some of you were especially involved with the planning and clean up of the Celebration and did things we could never have done on our own.

Thank you so much! We love you all. Again, we love you all!

Lionel, Alycia, Quyanna and Cayeden Johnson

San Juan