Thank you for the help during an emergency

Dear Rita, Dwight, Cameron, Owen and Jeff, emergency crew from the fire department:

As many people on the island know, Warren and I spend our lives lurching between one disaster and the next.

You lovingly put up with my whining and squirming from the pain after my fall on the boat. It was a herniated disc but thanks to Andrew, my mobility is returning.

And thanks to the wonderful drugs you gave me as well as more from the hospital, I’ve enjoyed countless unicorns flying around the room! I missed out on all the fun of the sixties and seventies keeping my businesses going but now I kind of understand what the fuss was all about!!!

(Seriously, not endorsing drugs recreationally but so glad they were available for pain that I know is greater than childbirth.)

I closed my eyes before you even wheeled me out of the house and didn’t open them again until the ER room … missed the whole $12,000 helicopter ride!!

Again, seriously, thank you so much for your kindness and expertise in helping me.

You’ve helped quite a few of us from this end of the island lately. Thank you, thank you.

Laurie and Warren Miller

Orcas Island