School bond guest column was spot-on

The column by Janet Knowles in your July 7 issue is by far the most insightful, authoritative, and informative article on the proposed school bond I have read or heard. It has far more “transparency” than anything I have read or heard since this issue was first proposed (and defeated) before the last election or the next one.

In view of all of the factors it would seem that the whole issues of the middle school building failures could well be addressed by either using other facilities or repairing the heating system. Instead of the recently created position for a full time “business manager” filled by a sitting school board member (another administrative position) the board should have created a new position for maintenance. Ms. Knowles points regarding declining enrollment makes a lost of sense. One has to be almost delusional to think that the enrollment of our Orcas schools is likely to increase, even in the distant future. If the proponents of this bond measure really intend to provide “transparency,” then let them tell us how much more the average homeowner will be paying in property tax if this measure passes.

Ronald Ambler

Orcas Island