Rough road | Letter

I recently drove out Bartel Rd., and from the crest of the hill going east down to Bartwood Estates, I had to drive five miles an hour and swerve back and forth all the way down, and back, to avoid all the potholes, and failed attempts to fill in a good portion of them. And even though it is a paved road, it is by far in worse condition than any road on Orcas Island or anywhere else!

How come? Well, apparently it is a private road from the crest of the hill going East, all the way down to Bartwood Estates.

So, since the property owners that live down there have failed so horribly to maintain their access road, perhaps it should become a county road so that it can be properly maintained. Like the rest of the county roads here on Orcas Island!

And by the way, a big thank you to our county crew for all they do for our community!

Mick Stevens

Orcas Island