As of Friday, July 23, 104 people have completed the 2010 Summer Community Survey. Our goal, according to Library Director Phil Heikkinen, is to double that number by the end of the month. (His secret fantasy is to triple that number!)
The survey is located on the library’s home page: You can complete it online by clicking the icon that says: SURVEY. It takes about 5-6 minutes to complete.
Some of the questions address issues about the library’s collection, use of space, and support for community discussion. There are also open-ended questions that encourage you to tell us how we can make the library better. Please note that this is not a secret attempt to build support for a building addition, which is not in the Library’s current planning.
The results of the survey really do matter. For example, recent surveys have shown support for the Library to add Sunday hours, which are now in place for the rest of this year, thanks to donations from Bob Henigson, Bob Lundeen, and the Friends of the Library. Very likely, we will continue those hours on a regular basis.
Although Phil and members of the Library Board would love to be talk with you individually, time constraints and realism prevent this; so a survey is the next best thing. For residents who do not own a computer with internet access, please feel free either to use one of the computers at the library, ask us to mail you a paper survey (call 376-4985), or fill out a paper survey available at our service desk.
The library exists for all of us. This is why it is important for the Board to understand what the community needs, and to know both what community members think makes the library user friendly and useful, and what does not.
Thank you in advance for completing the survey and moving us closer to my wildest dream, that Phil gets 301 responses. Also, please consider visiting our upcoming Library Board meeting on August 9 from 9 to 11 am at the Library; or our Board Retreat that same day, from 1 to 5 pm.
Rachel Newcombe
Library Board Community Relations Chair