Oddfellows thank you | Letter

We would like to take a minute and thank Geddes at Ship Bay, Ron at Orcas Village Store, Richard at West Sound Café and John at Roses for their contributions to the Oddfellows Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.

We would like to take a minute and thank Geddes at Ship Bay, Ron at Orcas Village Store, Richard at West Sound Café and John at Roses for their contributions to the Oddfellows Annual Thanksgiving Dinner.  We could not have done it without you.

This year was the largest gathering ever, with over 240 people having attending. However, we always encounter a problem in that the table numbers called last do not have the selection of food items that the first tables called have.  We apologize for this and can only hope that being with your friends and family at this community event makes up for this problem and that we will see you again next year.  Thank you all for making this annual event one to remember on Orcas Island.

The Oddfellows