Concerns about fire department | Letter

I would like to address some concerns that I have about some actions of the Orcas Fire Board of Commissioners.

I would like to address some concerns that I have about some actions of the Orcas Fire Board of Commissioners.

Since 2012 this board has gone into executive sessions 54 times in the course of 76 meetings.

I understand the reason for confidentiality regarding medical information, qualification and bargaining terms, but 34 performance reviews during this period must be considered excessive especially in light of the fact that since March 2012 there was never any indication but great satisfaction with the performance of the chief who oversees the rest of the employees and volunteers.

Most boards review their director, manager and superintendent once a year.  Looking at board records of six different entities – council members, library board, park board, cemetery board, port board – I see no evidence whatsoever that even comes close in regard to the number of executive sessions that the Orcas Fire Board has convened. Such behavior strongly suggests an effort to obscure the dealings of the board. Secrecy destroys accountability.

Another matter of concern: no minutes of board meetings have been posted on your website since October 2014.

At the April 16, 2015 meeting this board approved minutes for the March 19 meeting but the March 24 minutes were presented. This is undeniably your responsibility, obligation and duty as an elected official. The OIFD volunteers and employees, to say nothing of the taxpayers of the district, deserve to be represented in a manner that is clear and effective. Two of the commissioners receive $114 compensation for attending each meeting.

Pierrette Guimond

Orcas Island