Spamalot is supreme | Letter

“Spamalot” at the Orcas Center is a superior event that will endure for many years as a performance that is one of the best the people of this island have enjoyed.

This dynamic and powerful event is non-stop excitement and humor when 29 highly talented men and women perform. They act, sing and dance as they excel to portray the story of King Arthur, his royal knights and Lady of the Lake. This grand cast performs with the music of 12 magnificent musicians that provide ideal music for this perfect experience.

Over 40 other people worked many hours to provide costumes, set and prop construction and technical assistance. The cast devoted and donated hundreds of hours for rehearsals, to memorize songs, dances and lines so they could perform with perfection. Most important is the love and enthusiasm of director Doug Bechtel who has dreamed of bringing a major musical performance to Orcas.

There are still tickets available for Thursday and Friday at The people of Orcas Island want and demand this type of performance. All the performers, the musicians and the support team are all residents of Orcas. We look forward to the future when Doug Bechtel works with the talent of this special island to bring more grand events.

Tom and Karen Ritter

Orcas Island