Schermerhorn’s ship detained in Greece, Gaza flotilla ‘throttled’

Twenty minutes out of the Greek port, the U.S. ship “The Audacity of Hope” was apprehended by Greek naval authorities and led back to port, and its captain imprisoned for four days.

Twenty minutes out of the Greek port, the U.S. ship “The Audacity of Hope” was apprehended by Greek naval authorities and led back to port, and its captain imprisoned for four days.

“They succeeded in throttling the flotilla,” said Orcas resident David Schermerhorn, who was aboard the ship as part of an international flotilla aiming to breach Israel’s military blockade of the Gaza strip.

Of Freedom Flotilla II’s 10 ships, only the French ship “Dignitie” actually made it close to Gaza. On July 19, 12 miles from Gaza, the ship was boarded by Israeli commandos and escorted into Ashdod Port without incident. Two of the flotilla’s ships fell victim to sabotage; the other six were detained by Greek authorities.

Schermerhorn said he’s disappointed but not giving up.

“I’m certainly glad I did it; I’d go again in a minute,” he said, if organizers could develop a plan to elude Greek hands.

He said the “Audacity of Hope” was first detained in the Greek port on frivolous charges of being unseaworthy, and kept there for a few days.

“We finally did leave, and for 20 minutes we were bounding along with a big contingent of the press on board,” he said. “The Coast Guard cut us off, and after a two or three hour standoff, we were forced to go into port.”

Schermerhorn was freed after 24 hours in the Greek compound.