We will miss Dr. Giefer | Letter

Dr. Giefer is an excellent physician. He is knowledgeable, stays current, is efficient, fosters preventive medicine, is an active listener, is kind and has been very dedicated to the community. In all of my over 45 years of medical experience, I can attest that he is one of the best physicians that I have met, and he will be greatly missed. Sadly, the OMF may have taken Dr. Giefer for granted.

Related to this, I question whether the OMF knows how to negotiate with UW to get the best for the community. Yes, UW is the driver, but absolute, complete authority without guidance from the board or a qualified advisory committee is not a recipe for success.

The OMF now has failed in planning and executing an appropriate transition with UW. Does the OMF realize that the medical center is a valuable resource, and each person with medical records should be regarded as a shareholder? Our suggestions and recommendations should be respected. There have been many qualified, excellent physicians who have left the medical center. Why? So now I question, was it the Island Hospital management contract that was the problem that caused physicians to leave, or was the OMF not supportive of the physicians, and because of this, they subsequently chose to leave?

The OMF needs to empower themselves to negotiate what is best for the Orcas community. Things that work in the city may not work here. This is not directed at any specific board member, but we need strong, assertive, experienced individuals who realize the medical center is a valuable resource that should work for the community, not make life more difficult for patients and physicians.

The community members will not emotionally or financially support a revolving door of physicians or residents; we need anchor experienced physicians on site.

OMF needs to explain fully actions taken decisions made, and be transparent. The OMF may not get funds from the community again if they are not assertive and supportive of Orcas’s needs. We don’t need a repeat of the Island Hospital experience.

Dr. Evangeline O’Sullivan
