Thank you, Orcas | Letter

Words cannot express the overwhelming generosity and true spirit of our caring community – as well as my family and friends in other areas – I have experienced before and after my stroke. The people who have shown support in so many ways are so numerous I can’t even begin to list them here – but know you are all in my heart, and in my darkest moment I felt held in a bubble of love and grace that carried me through and let me know it wasn’t time to leave yet.

This journey has been difficult but the gifts from my stroke have been numerous – the knowledge for the need for self-care, lessons of vulnerability and learning to receive – instead of doing – the time to contemplate and examine my stubbornness of barreling through my life (ignoring signs and trying to work through my stroke) and last, but not least, listening when coworkers and friends told me something was wrong.

The good I would like to come from this experience even in this incredible, amazing place I am blessed to live in – we can all get so busy in our lives we are not having an awareness of what’s going on with our bodies and minds. Slow down, get quiet each day, listen. If one person does this, I will know my stroke was not in vain. My gratitude is immense and my heart full. Hugs and thank you all.

Babs Parrott

Orcas Island