Other solutions than closing the skatepark?

I recently read in the Sounder that the Orcas Island skate park could possibly be closed and was very upset to learn of this. If some foolish individuals have been making inappropriate choices at the park, and it has reached the level of public concern, there must be some other solution than closing the park. This seems to be a drastic response. Was the skate park not initially conceived as a place for the youth of Orcas Island to gather and enjoy the sport of skateboarding? Where are we supposed to go? The skate park is a place to chill, relax with friends and experience the insane thrill of riding a park such as this one. I have skated here since the beginning and never witnessed any inappropriate behavior. It is a knee-jerk reaction to consider closing the park – the local skaters need this park, plus it draws tourists who desire to be challenged by its vertical drops. I am disappointed that the community that worked so hard to make this skate park a reality cannot come up with a better solution. I think that this decision needs to be weighed very carefully, and its impact on the youth of Orcas taken into account.


Alexander Dunatov

Orcas Island/Issaquah